" MY EXPERIENCE WITH GENERAL MEDICINE WITH CASE BASED LEARNING" CASE-1 58 YEAR OLD FEMALE WITH SHORTNESS OF BREATH AND PEDAL EDEMA Learning points: 1. Learnt approach to a patient with complaints of shortness of breath whether it could be CVS or respiratory cause. 2.learnt approach to a patient with Complaints of B/L Pedal edema. 3. Learnt about the procedure of pleural tap under guidance of Dr. Durga Krishna (pgy3). Importance of lights criteria to differentiate between transudate and excudate. Learnt causes of transudate type of pleural effusion and exudate type of pleural effusion. CASE 2: 55 year old male with pain abdomen Learning points: 1. Learnt approach to a patient with epigastric pain and the differential diagnosis for epigastric pain and how to rule out the cause. 2. Learnt the reason of usi